Worth checking out:
Studio XO, London
Active Confusion Union
Up-coming Berlin-based wearable tech project
This site is for the time being no longer being updated.
If you don't find the information you need, feel free to contact me.
- Fundraising Event
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
from 7:00 PM to 2:00 AM (Next Day)
Where: The Public Works SF 161 Erie St, San Francisco, CALIFORNIA, USA
“As for the future, technology is what will move fashion forward.” - Alexander McQueen’s words couldn’t have been more true!
There is a lot of room to innovate when it comes to the collaboration between the tech and fashion industries and CODAME is creating a platform and atmosphere to explore this territory. What happens when you combine tech ninjas, fashion industry insiders, entrepreneurial fashionistas, musicians, and visual artists in one space?
CODAME FASHION+MUSIC! Fashion industry insiders will share their vision, fashion tech designers will provide insights into creative design process, and wearable tech entrepreneurs will cover challenges on prototyping and manufacturing while venturing into a new realm of distribution. Infusions of music and visual artistry will enhance an interactive environment of dialogue and presentations for an unforgettable CODAME experience. Save the date for this one!
See the program and speakers here.

The 18th International Symposium on Electronic Art is entitled Machine Wilderness. The exhibition will remain open to the public from Sept 20th to January 2013. A variety of events will take place throughout the fall and winter so if you miss the conference, don't fret, you've got some time to plan ahead.
19-24 September, 2012 Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
Explore your inner Techno fashion designer @ TechnoSensual. Come to the workshop and make your very own hand-embroidered haute couture.
28-29 July, 2012 MQ, Vienna, Austria
WSmart Fabrics Conference 2012, Miami, Florida, USA
Valerie LeMontagne gives you the highlights of the conference in case you missed it.
Institute for the Future, Palo Alto, CA predicts A Century of Transformation, A Decade of Turbulence: 2012 Ten-Year Forecast:
> Hyper-Urbanization: from strategies of enclosure to open strategies for the shareable city
> De-industrialization: from pipeline infrastructures to agile energy ecosystems
> De-materialization: from large-scale manufacturing to just-in-time manifestation
> Social Productions: from institutional wage labor to networked micro-contributions
> Information intensification: from information overload to cognitive prosthesis
> Biomolecularization: from individually responsible intelligent organisms to complex ecosystems of biologically distributed intelligence
Sparknotes sardonically predicted the ultimate five fashion trends for s/s 2012. As Steven Wright would put it, Sparknotes are peripheral visionaries, they see into the future but way off to the side.
The predictions were:
> Imaginary Accessories
> Furniture inspired attire
> Incredibly specific personalized
> Hobbit fever
> Jet packs
Read the whole article here and treat yourself to a good laugh today.
Ray Kurzweil's fashion Future
But as long as we are talking about the future, here are Ray Kurzweil's predictions for fashion in the following decades:
3D-printed fashion by 2020
2020: Click and print designer clothes at home
“Currently there is a lot of overenthusiasm about 3-D printing. Typically where people are prematurely very excited it leads to disillusionment and a bust, like the crash. I think we’re about five years away from the really important applications. By the early 2020s we’ll be replacing a significant part of manufacturing with 3-D printing. We’ll be able to print out clothing and there’ll be an open source market of free designs. There will be personal 3-D printers, but also shared ones in your local Starbucks, for example.”
Digital Fashion
Suzanne Lee, fashion futurologist and founder of BioCoutureDigital fashionLaboratories such as London’s Studio XO are creating extraordinary outfits for the likes of Lady Gaga and driving tech into the fashion mainstream. Their digital mermaid bra for Azealia Banks was studded with hundreds of Swarovski crystals and LEDs, which diffracted light, animating the crystals in time to the music. Other fashion tech labels, including CuteCircuit, sell LED T-shirt dresses that react to the wearer’s movement, others receive and display tweets in real time. Expect your clutch purse to be Facebooking soon.
Bio Fashion
Grow your own clothes We are beginning to get living organisms like mammalian cells, bacteria, fungi and algae to grow materials for us. At my company Biocouture we are busy growing material from bacteria for a skirt that will be exhibited in Selfridge’s next month. Modern Meadow, a spin-off of a US-based tissue engineering company, is aiming to produce cultured leather handbags by 2015.
Grow your own clothes
We are beginning to get living organisms like mammalian cells, bacteria, fungi and algae to grow materials for us. At my company Biocouture we are busy growing material from bacteria for a skirt that will be exhibited in Selfridge’s next month. Modern Meadow, a spin-off of a US-based tissue engineering company, is aiming to produce cultured leather handbags by 2015.
Content copier from
Mechapolypse is a mind-controlled shape-shifting dress created by London College of Fashion student Nange Magro.
Nange Magro's mind-controlled dress illuminates and changes form in accordance to the concentration level of the wearer. It does this by way of an EEG sensor embedded in the leather cap and an arduino microcontroller. As the wearer concentrates, the outer layer of the dress parts at the front revealing a sensual latex skirt with a pattern print. The designer explains her vision:
"The video animation tells the story about this creature born from an explosion caused from a war between robots (technology) and natural entities (nature).This creature is half robot and half natural which is the reason why the dress has outside organic shapes, but when the skirt moves and reveals the latex skirt the creature shows to the robot that inside she is mechanical like him. During her exploration of the world she sees a group of robots that are tortured from the natural entities. It is in this moment that she falls in love with one of the robots and saves him from the human slayers. The animated part merges with the real filming when, the model shows the latex skirt and the robot’s hand gently caresses the print. The robot is scared because she looks like one of the "slayers", but in that instant she feels so full of love and passion for him that all her "body" (dress) lights up and moves her "shell" (upper skirt) to show him her real robotic nature. The video finishes with them falling in love."
If you are not familiar with Hussein Chalayan's Animated Fashion concepts here's a quick recap. His visions are on the cusp of fashion's radical transmutation into the digital era.
Danish design company Diffus will market the Solar Bag starting 2013. Crown Princess Mary of Denmark wore the bag at the "Health Environment Climate" exhibition at the Royal Danish Opera
Four million people in the UK would rather suffer from hearing impairment than wear an aid. The H+ projects turns preconceived notions around contributing to de-stigmatize certain groups.
Mika Satomi & Christine Foglar made hearing aids sexy: